The Heart of SoulSpace

Kara Kennedy is an American designer who creates experiential residential spaces that foster deep connections and introspective reflections. Through her design studio, SoulSpace Collective, her projects instinctively balance aesthetics and function. With a confident approach to color theory and materiality, Kara crafts spaces that are elevated, authentic, restorative, and enduring.

She believes that every space embodies a feeling, and when this feeling is intentionally cultivated, it can transcend mere beauty to evoke a euphoric sense of connectedness and renewal. Valuing an understanding of her clients' past, present, and future narratives, Kara designs environments that promote growth and potential.

Driven solely by an immense passion for design, Kara's lack of formal training provides her with a distinctive perspective and creative direction that commands attention. Committed to continuously evolving her practice, Kara pushes the boundaries of conventional interior design, creating spaces with emotional maturity that resonate deeply with her clients' experiences and aspirations.